Deze pagina toont u de recente publicaties die onder de DKTSG-samenwerking tot stand zijn gekomen.

De publicaties zijn gesorteerd op datum van aanmelding. Voor het indienen van een nieuwe publicatie kunt u het contactformulier gebruiken of mailen naar info@niertransplantatieonderzoek.nl.

2024 Januari

· Red blood cells as oxygen carrier during normothermic machine perfusion of kidney grafts: Friend or foe? Arykbaeva AS, Lerink LJS, Vos J, Engelse MA, van Kooten C, de Korte D, Lagerberg JWM, Klei TRL, Mulder AA, Minnee RC, Ploeg RJ, Moers C, Pol RA, Alwayn IPJ, de Vries DK, Lindeman JHN.
Am J Transplant. 2024 Jan 11:S1600-6135(24)00066-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ajt.2024.01.002.

2023 December

· Chocolate brownies and calorie restriction: the sweetest paradox? Oudmaijer CAJ, Pol RA, Minnee RC, Vermeij WP, IJzermans JNM. BMJ. 2023 Dec 20;383:2585. doi: 10.1136/bmj.p2585.

2023 December

· Do treats facilitate the interpretation of findings on caloric restriction? Oudmaijer CAJ, Pol RA, Minnee RC, Vermeij W, Ijzermans JNM.
BMJ Nutr Prev Health. 2023 Dec 20;6(2):374-382.
doi: 10.1136/bmjnph-2023-000830. 

2023 Februari

· Atherosclerosis and Intrarenal Resistance Index in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Bloemendal NT, Hertsig R, Benjamens S, van de Kuit A, Swaab T, Yakar D, Minnee RC, Tielliu IFJ, Bakker SJL, Pol RA. Transplant Direct. 2023 Jan 12;9(2):e1435. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001435.

2023 Januari

· Bariatric surgery before and after kidney transplant: a propensity score-matched analysis. Fang Y, Outmani L, de Joode AAE, Kimenai HJAN, Roodnat JI, 't Hart JWH, Biter UL, Klaassen RA, de Bruin RWF, IJzermans JNM, Pol RA, Minnee RC. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2023 May;19(5):501-509. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2022.11.010.

2022 December

· Pathophysiological Changes in the Hemostatic System and Antithrombotic Management in Kidney Transplant Recipients. van den Berg TAJ, Nieuwenhuijs-Moeke GJ, Lisman T, Moers C, Bakker SJL, Pol RA. Transplantation. 2022 Dec 19. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000004452.

2022 Juni

· Fasting before living-kidney donation: effect on donor well-being and postoperative recovery: study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Oudmaijer CAJ, Minnee RC, Pol RA, van den Boogaard WMC, Komninos DSJ, van de Wetering J, van Heugten MH, Hoorn EJ, Sanders JSF, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Vermeij WP, IJzermans JNM. Trials. 2022 Jan 6;23(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05950-x.

2022 Juni

· Early increase in single-kidney glomerular filtration rate after living kidney donation predicts long-term kidney function. van der Weijden J, Mahesh SVK, van Londen M, Bakker SJL, Sanders JS, Navis G, Pol RA, Roodnat JI, Kho MML, Yakar D, Kwee TC, Nolte IM, Berger SP, De Borst MH. Kidney Int. 2022 Jun;101(6):1251-1259. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2022.01.034.

2021 December

· Antithrombotic Management in Adult Kidney Transplantation - A European survey study. van den Berg TAJ, Lisman T, Dor FJMF, Moers C, Minnee RC, Bakker SJL, Pol RA.  Eur Surg Res. 2021 Dec 6;63(4):176–83. doi: 10.1159/000521327.

 2021 Mei

· Renal Normothermic Machine Perfusion: The Road Toward Clinical Implementation of a Promising Pretransplant Organ Assessment Tool 
Hamelink TL, Ogurlu B, De Beule J, Lantinga VA, Pool MBF, Venema LH, Leuvenink HGD, Jochmans I, Moers C.
Transplantation. 2021 May 11. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000003817

2021 Januari

· Aorto-Iliac Artery Calcification and Graft Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients 
Benjamens S, Alghamdi SZ, Rijkse E, Te Velde-Keyzer CA, Berger SP, Moers C, de Borst MH, Slart RHJA, Dor FJMF, Minnee RC, Pol RA.
J Clin Med. 2021 Jan 17;10(2):325. doi: 10.3390/jcm10020325

· The Association between Body Composition Measurements and Surgical Complications after Living Kidney Donation
Westenberg LB, van Londen M, Sotomayor CG, Moers C, Minnee RC, Bakker SJL, Pol RA.
J Clin Med. 2021 Jan 5;10(1):155. doi: 10.3390/jcm10010155

2020 Oktober

· Gender disparities in authorships and citations in Transplantation research.
Benjamens S, Banning LBD, van den Berg TAJ, Pol RA. Transpl Direct 2020 Oct doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001072

2020 September

· Aorto-Iliac Artery Calcification Prior to Kidney Transplantation
Benjamens S, Rijkse E, Te Velde-Keyzer CA, Berger SP, Moers C, de Borst MH, Yakar D, Slart RHJA, Dor FJMF, Minnee RC, Pol RA.
J Clin Med. 2020 Sep 7;9(9):2893. doi: 10.3390/jcm9092893

2020 Juli

· Postoperative ultrasound in kidney transplant recipients: association between intrarenal resistance index and cardiovascular events
van de Kuit A, Benjamens S, Sotomayor CG, Rijkse E, Berger SP, Moers C, Bakker SJL, Minnee RC, Yakar D, Pol RA. 
  Transplant Direct 2020 Jul 15;6(8):e581. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001034

2020 Januari

· The prognosis of kidney transplant recipients with aorto-iliac calcification: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  Rijkse E, van Dam JL, Roodnat JI, Kimenai HJAN, IJzermans JNM, Minnee RC. 
  Transplant International 2020 33:5 (482-496)

· Machine perfusion in abdominal organ transplantation: Current use in the Netherlands. 
  Rijkse E, IJzermans JN, Minnee RC.  World J Transplant 2020 Jan 19;10(1):15-28

· Living Donor Hand-Assisted Nephrectomy in a Healthy Individual with Situs Inversus Totalis: No Need to Turn Down the Donor
   Benjamens S, van den Berg TAJ, Lange JFM, Pol RA.  BMJ Case Reports 2020 Jan 22;13 (1). doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-233523

· Brexit and transplantation research: EU funding and scientific collaborations
   Benjamens S, van den Berg TAJ, Papalois V, Dor FJMF, Pol RA. 
2020 Jan 20;104(1):6-9. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000002991

2019 September

· Impact of Aortoiliac Stenosis on Graft and Patient Survival in Kidney Transplant Recipients Using the TASC II Classification.
  Rijkse E, Kimenai HJAN, Roodnat JI, Ten Raa S, Bijdevaate DC, Van Dam JL, Muller K, IJzermans JNM, Van der Zijden MA, Minnee RC. 
  Transplantation 2019 103:10 (2164-2172)

· Nanoparticle release by extended criteria donor kidneys during normothermic machine perfusion. 
  Woud WW, Merino A, Hoogduijn MJ, Boer K, van den Hoogen MWF, Baan CC, Minnee RC.
  Transplantation 2019; 5:103.

·  Kidney Temperature During Living Donor Kidney Transplantation is Associated with Short-term Measured Glomerular Filtration
   Rate - A Prospective Study

   Benjamens S, van den Berg TAJ, Kuipers TGJ, Moers C, Leuvenink HGD, Pol RA.  Transpl Int 
2019 Sep 20. doi: 10.1111/tri.13528

2019 Maart

· Surgical Safety and Efficacy of Third Kidney Transplantation in the Ipsilateral Iliac Fossa
Domagala P, van den Berg TAJ, Tran K, Terkivatan T, Kimenai HJAN, Hartog H, Hesselink DA, Bakker SJL, IJzermans JN, Pol RA, Minnee RC.
   Ann Transplant 
2019 Mar 8;24:132-138. doi: 10.12659/AOT.913300

2019 Februari

· The impact of aorto-iliac stenosis on graft and patient survival in kidney transplant recipients using the TASC II classification
   Rijkse AA, Kimenai HJAN, Roodnat JI, Ten Raa S,  Bijdevaate DC, van Dam JL, Muller K, IJzermans JNM, van der Zijden MA, Minnee 
Transplantation. 2019 Feb 19. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000002635

2018 December

· C4: The future of solid organ transplantation from the perspective of young transplant professionals.
   Benjamens S, van den Berg TAJ, Pol RA.  Am J Transplant. 2018 Dec 12. doi: 10.1111/ajt.15213

· Perioperative Antithrombotic Therapy Does Not Increase the Incidence of Early Postoperative Thromboembolic Complications and Bleeding in
   Kidney Transplantation.

   van den Berg TAJ, Minnee RC, Lisman T, Nieuwenhuijs-Moeke GJ, van de Wetering J, Bakker SJL, Pol RA.
   Transpl Int. 2018 Dec 10.  doi:10.1111/tri.13387

· A high abdominal aortic calcification score by dual X-ray absorptiometry is associated with cardiovascular events after kidney transplantation.   
   Benjamens S, Pol RA, Glaudemans AWJM, Wieringa I, Berger SP, Bakker SJL, Slart RHJA; 
   Nephrol Dial Transpl. 2018 Dec 1;33(12):2253-225, gfy158,

2018 Juli

· Preemptively and non-preemptively transplanted patients show a comparable hypercoagulable state prior to kidney transplantation compared to
  living kidney donors.

  Nieuwenhuijs-Moeke GJ, van den Berg TAJ, Bakker SJL, et al. 
  PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e0200537.

2018 April 

· Cellular senescence as a therapeutic target to improve renal transplantation outcome.   
van Willigenburg H, de Keizer PLJ, de Bruin RWF.
Pharmacol Res. 2018 Apr;130:322-330. 
doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2018.02.015

2018 Maart

· Can transplant renal scintigraphy predict the duration of delayed graft function? A dual center retrospective study
Benjamens S, Pol RA, de Geus-Oei LF, de Vries APJ, Glaudemans AWJM, Berger SP, Slart RHJA.
PLoS One. 2018 Mar 21;13(3):e0193791. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193791
